To contact your district committee persons, please email

Joe Rydarowski
District 1 Committeeperson
I’ve been your neighbor on Mason Drive for nearly 13 years and I’m proud to call Metuchen home. Moving our family to Metuchen was one of the best decisions of my life and I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. You may recognize me from around the neighborhood with my wife Debbie and our 3 boys, as we run between various kids sporting events, or out playing baseball on the front lawn.
For the past 5 years I’ve been leading the “Save the Lucille Ball Pond” effort. The 20,000 year old pond is located at the corner of Clive Street and Mason Drive, and we’ve been working to save this unique habitat from overdevelopment. Although the pond is located in Edison, Mayor Busch and the Metuchen Council have been incredible supporters of our efforts. This includes obtaining an audience with the NJDEP as well as numerous Middlesex County and State officials to highlight the importance of preserving this property. Our success in protecting any potential impact to the pond is largely attributed to their support and their close working relationship with Middlesex County and Edison.

Bobbie Theivakumaran
District 1 Committeeperson
My family and I moved to Metuchen for its great community and have been proud residents on East Chestnut since moving here from nearby Highland Park in 2015. Elections and democracy are important to me, and I have met many of you in my role as your committee person or as an activist in town. Metuchen is an amazing place and community, and I am so proud of Metuchen and its leaders and how far we have come in during my family’s time here and excited to have been a part of this change with so many of you.
As a resident and active volunteer, I have sat on the stakeholder formation committee and a founding member of the Metuchen Downtown Alliance where I have sat on its executive board, and currently chair the organization. As you know, it was recently named a 2023 Great American Main Street Award winner! I am an active member of the local Democrats and work closely on numerous issues that are core to our values as a family and have held a seat in the Metuchen Equity Commission and currently serve on the Metuchen Human Relations Commission.